Monday, November 21, 2005

Morning Announcements - 11/21/05

  • 20 days left until Mamma Mia!
  • Quirk O' the Day - As a child I would peel bark off willow trees and chew on the white wood underneath because it tasted like cucumbers.


  1. How to Induce Vomiting (and Variations) - 18!
  2. Dog Swallowed Bone Whole - 1
  3. Dog Swallowed a Screw - 1
  4. Continental Drift - 1
  5. Louis Lamour - 1

Who knew?

Oh, and by the way, I don't intend for my morning announcements to take over as my daily blogging entries, but I am to damn busy actually doing my job than to blog. Sorry! Just think how I feel!


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