It's Allllllliiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvveeeee!
I know that you are all worrying yourself to death over the fate of the Minty Squirrel. Let me assure you, everything is okay. It is now happily in residence at my house again, running, and basically happier than ever.
A special thanks to KOM who gave me absolutely brilliant mechanical advice when it comes to the squirrliness that is a Festiva. I, however, did not need to use any of his brilliant ideas.
I am not telling you what was actually wrong with the car.
Moving on....
I decided the time for pampering this wonderful chunk of a car was well past due. I washed it AND had a car phone installed....

Happy Valentines Day ya bunch o' schmucks! I love you!
If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?
My guess is Minty Squirrel didn't have gas. Or oil.
And the reason those are my guesses is because that's something I'd do.
People who know how to change oil are suckas.
(but it's almost that bad)
The e-brake was on?
You might want to call a friend.
happy valentines day!!!
I KNOW WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE SQUIRREL!!! WAH-HAHAHAH! Anika, just say the word and I'll publish it right here on her blog.
Best regards,
Shari's Super Cruel Sister
i used to have a phone IDENTICAL to that in my car - only um, 1"x1" big. For some reason someone stole it.
I'm still bummed about that.
PS: you didn't um... leave it in a stupid gear, did you? (Been there done that myself)
Shannon - I will not submit to threats. You will not hold me hostage.
I left the lights on and left the car sitting there in the parking lot for a whole week because I was sure it wasn't something so easy.
Whatever. I am so lame.
BWAAAAHAHAHAHA Shari you are the cutest and un-mechanical girl EVER. I. Love. You.
a lot.
Remember how I asked for jumper cables one Christmas? Guess that "leaving the lights on" must be some sort of genetic defect (at least within our generation...)
too funny. Been there done that too - plenty of times :)
Well, advice not needed is the best offense... or something like that.
Glad to hear that the car is back in running order! I'll never tell...
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