Friday, January 27, 2006

The Forgotten Weekend

There are a few pictures that I forgot to post for the "What We Did Last Weekend" - two weekends ago.

It was a good weekend and really deserved the timely glory that other weekends have received. I am sorry, two-week-old weekend. Forgive me.

The girls and I decided to drive all of two miles to the neighboring town, Sumner. It has a great Main Street with wonderful little shops full of antiques and toys and grapefruity smelling lotion. (They were after the toys, and I was after grapefruity lotion. None of us actually buy antiques.)

There is a specific little cafe - the Berryland Cafe- where we like to have lunch. It is small and bustling and no-nonsense and serves really great breakfast all day. It is also so old that it is kind of lopsided and you slide a little bit in the slick booth-style seating. This is one of the things I like best about it.

I took the following two pictures of the girls there. I sorta wanted pictures of them, but really wanted to capture - while looking like I was not trying to capture - both the horrendous lighted train display hanging on the wall and the old grumpy man seated behind them. I was not paying very close attention to the girls shows.

Is it just me, or do you love a place where you can get your soda in a can with a straw?

This is just a random picture of the girls playing piano that same weekend. They seem to have a good grasp of the dramatic. They were piano-playing vampires. With one of the settings on the piano having really scary noises, it seemed pretty realistic.
Can this weekend even hold a candle? We shall see.


At 11:08 AM, Blogger Janie said...

somehow i think, we you three at center stage, you'll come up with a fun and exciting adventure! beautiful pics.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger melissa said...

That train display is horrid. But I adore that first picture--the girls are so cute!

At 3:51 AM, Blogger Squishi said...

um, you don't normally get straws? In places like that here, we even get glasses with ice.


At 8:15 AM, Blogger Shari said...

Squishi - I was being facetious! Yes we usually get glasses with ice, too.



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