Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I have just tons of pictures of our Montana vacation and no way to post them right now. It is a bit irritating, but I promise to somehow, someway satisfy your voyeuristic tendencies.

Also, I have applied for a new job at my current company. The job description is three pages long, and although I am a time management dynamo - it scared me a little. I must get a better position. I love my job. You all remember the fun and charming emails that I receive. I really hate to leave all that.....but....one must move onward and upward.

How in the world can I convey to these people that I am exactly the person for this job? I have thought of the following sample answers to probable interview questions.....

  1. "Yes, I realize there are numerous simultaneous deadlines, but since I'm an eternal procrastinator, I am unfazed and relatively stress free when it comes to last minute projects."
  2. "Have I ever had problems with a supervisor? Never! I tend to ignore their instructions and do it my way since I am always right. They never notice this because I am very good at covering up any mistakes so they seem to be someone else's fault."
  3. "Do I have any experience working within a legal department of a large corporation? Some days I consider my life as complicated as a large corporation, and I do have experience in things legal and illegal - so I suppose my answer would be a resounding YES!"
  4. "Oh, yes, the whole "degree" thing.....I was one of those genius types in school. You know the ones. Just too damn bright to be challenged in a typical educational setting. A degree is totally meaningless, I'm sure you are smart enough to realize that."

Well, I think I am very ready for my interview. Feeling confident. Yep.

Pray for me.


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Sherri said...

I'm currently on the job hunt. Mind if I borrow some of your responses? They are fantastic! :)

At 8:11 PM, Blogger anika said...

You'll do great!


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